Our mission : to produce graphene for a competitive, sustainable and responsible industry.
BLACKLEAF (BL) is a start-up that has developed an ecofriendly process to produce Few-Layer Graphene (FLG) in a cheaper, faster and greener way than any other processes. This process makes this material affordable for many industrial sectors like aerospace, oil and gas, chemistry or automotive for a large range of applications. To implement this FLG in a smart way, BL also holds two proprietary patents to realize innovative graphene-based coatings on all materials and geometries for various applications such as electrical conduction on polymers, anti-corrosion or surface heating, just to cite a few.
Home | BLACKLEAF | Graphene conductive inks & additives
GRAPHENE CONDUCTIVE INKS and additives TO REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT https://www.blackleaf.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/BLACKLEAF-PRESENTATION-FRANCE-2030.mp4 CONTACT US You want to benefit from graphene solutions to boost your performance and reduce your environmental impact? HIGH VALUE PRODUCTS BLACKLEAF offers a unique line of products covering a wide range of applications, classified in two main segments : easy-to apply conductive inks and easy-to-disperse h