Toutes vos assurances à portée de 👍
Leocare is the fastest growing multi-services neoinsurance in France with over 1M downloads for its top rated app 4.6/5.
Thanks to our app, you can have all your car, home & motorbike insurance policies in one place, that you can reach 7/7, 24/24h. Simple and flexible, you can subscribe online in a few minutes, handle your policies in one click or submit an insurance claim.
Forecasted as one of the top 50 most promising insurtech in the world, we leverage our technology so that our customers can benefit from powerful AI-based services that result in a fabulous customer experience.
Check out our job openings at https://leocare.eu/fr/carrieres/
Leocare - L'assurance auto, moto, habitation, mobile nouvelle génération
Leocare, la première néo-assurance auto, moto, habitation, smartphone en ligne. Un devis en moins de 2 minutes, souscrivez votre assurance en 4 minutes.